
Walgreens: Free Kids Band Aids

band aid

There is a monthly register reward deal at Walgreens for August: Buy 2 Band Aids and get $4 Register Rewards.  If you’ve been able to find the Coloring Books then this is an awesome deal!  Here’s how:

Buy 2 Character Band Aids $3.79 ea. (regular price) = $7.58
– $2/1 Coupon from the Coloring Book (will deduct $2 for each one)
– (2) 50¢/1 Coupons from the 6/28 or 8/2 Redplum inserts
= $2.58 out of pocket, Earn a $4 Register Reward
= Free + $1.42 Profit!

Thanks Common Sense with Money!


  1. Shelly,

    This deal was advertised a week or 2 ago as a weekly deal, but it is actually a monthly deal. There are several possible reasons for your RR not printing: you bought the wrong product, the RR machine was broken, or you used a RR to pay for it that was issued by the same company as the band aid RR.


  2. THANK YOU! I did this deal and was so excited! I’m keeping one box for my little girl and donating another to a women and children’s shelter. And just a heads up – I’m in the south Dallas area, and I was able to find the children’s activity books on clearance for 24 cents each! I bought four, and there were still several left. Yay for a cheap coupon source!


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