10 Summer Backyard Ideas for Kids
Summer is just around the corner and I can’t help thinking about all the time I’ll be able to spend with my kids once they are out of school. Of course, after the first two days, I’m going to be at a loss of what to do with them!
So, I’ve started putting together some ideas of backyard activities the kids will enjoy all summer long. Plus, if you have older kids, you can get them to help put these together, giving you more activities for them to do!
Outdoor Lounge

If you’ve already gone through gallons of water playing in the sprinklers and filling up the pool, this is a great way of spending time outdoors and using your inflatable pool.
Ladybug Tire Swing

This is a super easy way to upgrade a boring old tire swing! Think of all the other animals you can paint on it!
Water Pillow

If you’re tired of jumping around in the sprinklers but want to stay cool while enjoying the warm weather, check out this cool water pillow!
Bookcase Sandbox

Turning a bookcase into a sandbox is such an innovative idea! If you don’t have an old bookcase around, this one is a great deal.
Tire See Saw

This is a great way to use up those old tires, especially if you already have a tire swing! I love this because even the littlest ones can have fun.
Hula Hoop Hideout

I’ve seen these in Pottery Barn Kids catalogs and have always wanted to buy them but they are way overpriced for me. So this is a great way of using up old hula hoops and sheer sheets. Plus, it makes the kids feel like they have their own clubhouse.
Kitchen Sink Sand and Water Table

If you’re doing a remodel on your house or for some reason have an old sink laying around, you can turn it into a sand and water table!
Music Wall

I love this idea and can’t wait to try it! You can check out garage sales as well if you don’t have any old pots and pans.
Outdoor Chalkboard

Drawing with chalk is one of my kids’ favorite things to do. And yes, they can draw on the ground, but it’s always fun to have draw on their very own homemade chalkboard – especially my daughter who likes to play teacher!
Backyard Tightrope

This is a super simple and easy activity to set up in your yard and even keep it up year-around! Kids of all ages love to practice balancing on it.