New 50¢/2 Twix Peanut Butter Candy Bars Printable Coupons = As Low As 11¢ At Target!
There is a great new 50¢/2 Twix Peanut Butter Candy Bars Printable Coupon available! Print it twice at that link and two more here so you can really stock up! Here are a couple of great deals you can score with your coupons:
Twix Bars 67¢ ea.
– 50¢/2 Mars Single-Serve Candy Bar Target Mobile Coupon (text FRESH to 827438) AND
– 15% Off Twix Target Cartwheel Coupon AND
– 50¢/2 Twix Peanut Butter Candy Bars Printable Coupon OR
– 50¢/2 Twix Peanut Butter Candy Bars Printable Coupon
= 11¢ ea.
Mars Candy Singles 69¢ ea. (sale price valid through 11/9)
– 50¢/2 Twix Peanut Butter Candy Bars Printable Coupon OR
– 50¢/2 Twix Peanut Butter Candy Bars Printable Coupon
= 44¢ ea.
These are great prices for candy singles! Be sure to check out the latest deals and coupon matchups at CVS and Target before you head out.
Depending on the expiration date on these candy bars, they might make great stocking stuffers!
Thanks, Couponing For 4!