Surprise General Mills Sunday Coupon Insert
I know I said there were no inserts this week, but I was wrong. (I can admit that..sometimes, lol.) There was a surprise General Mills insert this week. So, if you did get a paper, be sure and look for this insert. If you didn’t get a paper, then you might still be able to find a Sunday paper in the stores, or you can just order your favorite coupons from a clipping service like The Coupon Clippers.
Here are the coupons in the insert:
75¢/2 Betty Crocker Box Supreme Brownie Mixes
50¢/1 Betty Crocker Cookie Mix
50¢/2 Fiber One Chewy Bars or 90 Calorie Chewy Bars
$1/2 General Mills Select Cereals
$1/2 General Mills Select Cheerios Cereals
$1/2 General Mills Select Kids Cereals
75¢/3 Hamburger, Tuna, or Chicken Helper Skillet Meals
75¢/2 Nature Valley Granola Bars
50¢/1 Nature Valley Sweet & Salty Nut Granola Bars
75¢/3 Pillsbury Refrigerated Baked Goods Products
50¢/3 Totino’s Crisp Cut Party Pizza Products
40¢/2 Totino’s Rolls Snacks
$1.50/1 Wanchai Ferry Frozen Entree
$1/1 Yoplait Frozen Smoothie
75¢/2 Yoplait Go-Gurt Yogurt
40¢/6 Yoplait Yogurt Cups or Original or Light Smoothie
50¢/8 Yoplait Yogurt Cups or Original or Light Smoothie
(Thanks, Deal Seeking Mom and Gary!)
What do you think? Are these coupons worth the cost of the paper?
No, not worth it.
Nah, I’m glad I didn’t waste my money. If the cereal coupons were $1/1 or if the gogurt one was $.35/1 I might have to bite but these I probably wouldn’t use anyway. I’m STILL sad about missing the 5/2 ones though 🙁 We were on vacation that weekend and tried to get one as soon as we got back on that Monday and the papers were all sold out. I have been on Wednesday before and was able to buy it but because of all the great coupons that week, they went fast.
did the p&g insert come in this sundays paper may31
Tiffany Portis
I have to say, it’s not worth it for me to buy a paper this week just for those coupons. I make my yogurt, don’t usually purchase frozen meals, and the coupons that would double aren’t really great deals to me. Thanks for the information, it helped me save a few bucks there for sure!
.-= Tiffany Portis´s last blog ..Memorial Day =-.