Walgreens: Hallmark Greeting Cards Moneymaker!
Walgreens is running a great unadvertised register reward deal on Hallmark greeting cards: Buy 3 or 4 Cards and Get $2 in Register Rewards, or buy 5 Cards and Get $4 in Register Rewards. If you can find the 49¢ cards (not all stores sell these) then you could make a profit with this deal!
Scenario A:
(3) Hallmark Cards 49¢ ea.
= $1.47
Earn $2 in Register Rewards
= Free + 53¢ ProfitScenario B:
(5) Hallmark Cards 49¢ ea.
= $2.45
Earn $4 in Register Rewards
= Free + $1.55 Profit
If you can’t find the 49¢ cards then you can still get the 99¢ cards for a pretty good deal.
(5) Hallmark Cards 99¢ ea.
= $4.95
Earn $4 in Register Rewards
= 95¢, or 19¢ ea.
Thanks, Money Saving Mom!
Got all my July birthday cards and anniversary at a great savings. Thanks for tip.
Do you know if this deal will continue the week of 6/20?
@Sheri, I’m sorry, I don’t know. 🙁 You could try it and if it doesn’t print the register reward you could return them.
I stopped by walgreens today. They still had the RR sign up for the cards, but the date on it ended on the 19th.
Gabriela Cisneros
Thank you so much for the updates….
I already submitted my order for my free collage at walgreens….
thank you again.