New Cellfire eCoupons Released
Cellfire has released several new eCoupons. Be sure to add them to your loyalty cards now before they are gone.
Remember, electronic coupons can be added to your grocery store loyalty card and automatically come off at checkout when you buy the qualifying items. The coupons will only come off once and do not double. E-Coupons are good at Kroger and Tom Thumb as well as their affiliate stores.
Here are my favorites:
- 50¢/1 Betty Crocker or Fiber One Box Muffin Mix
- 40¢/1 Green Giant Frozen Bagged Vegetables
- 50¢/1 Nature Valley Granola Bars
- 50¢/2 Pillsbury Crescent Dinner Rolls
- $1/1 Pillsbury Sweet Moments Refrigerated Dessert
- $1/1 Yoplait Fiber One Yogurt Multipack
You can add more Cellfire eCoupons here.