Amazon: Seventh Generation Cleaning Supplies and Baby Wipes
Right now you can get 350 Seventh Generation Baby Wipes for only $8.32 shipped! You can also get 30% off select Seventh Generation cleaning supplies!
Here is how to get the deal:
1. Go to and sign up for Amazon Mom (This will give you FREE Amazon Prime shipping and 15% off orders, learn more here.)
2. Add the box of Seventh Generation Chlorine Free Baby Wipes to your cart using the Subscribe and Save method.
3. Select your choice of Seventh Generation Cleaning Supplies and add to your cart using the subscribe and save method.
4. At checkout use code SEVCLEAN (valid until 4/10) to get and additional 15% off your cleaning supplies.
5. Check your prices at check out, Amazon prices are constantly changing.
Remember, after your order is shipped, you can cancel the Subscribe and Save items by going to your Amazon account and clicking on “Manage Subscribe and Save Items”.
Thanks, My Frugal Adventures and The Thrifty Mama!