New Amazon Pampers Diapers Coupons!
There are three new Amazon Coupons for Pampers diapers:
- $3/1 Pampers Cruisers, Swaddlers, Swaddlers Sensitive, or Extra Protection Diapers BOX
- $1.50/1 Pampers Splashers
- $1.50/1 Pampers Diapers or Pants ANY SIZE
By combining the $3/1 coupon, Amazon Mom 15% off discount, and Subscribe & Save 15% discount, you can get a 160 ct. Box of Pampers Cruisers size 3 Diapers for just $24.82. That’s like paying less than $5 per jumbo pack!
Here is how to get the deal:
1. Go to and sign up for Amazon Mom (This will give you FREE Amazon Prime shipping and 15% off orders, learn more here.)
2. Click on the $3 off Pampers Diapers Box Coupon (refresh if you don’t see it).
3. Add the 160 ct. Box of Pampers Cruisers size 3 Diapers to your cart using the Subscribe and Save method.
4. At checkout you will see the $3 coupon discount, 15% subscribe & save discount, and Amazon Mom 15% discount.
Remember, after your order is shipped, you can cancel the Subscribe and Save items by going to your Amazon account and clicking on “Manage Subscribe and Save Items”.
This offer Expires April 30, 2011.
Thanks, For the Mommas and Common Sense with Money!