Free Kindle Books: The Preacher’s Bride, Saving for Retirement, and More!
Did you know that there are over 100 Free Kindle Books on Amazon? You can see the Free Kindle Books HERE and here are a few you can find on that list:
The Price of Liberty by Keir Graff
Tailgating Cookbook by Gooseberry Patch
Saving For Retirement Without Living Like a Pauper or Winning the Lottery by Gail MarksJarvis
The Preacher’s Bride by Jody Hedlund
Find the complete list of FREE e-books at the You don’t need a Kindle to read these books either. You can download the Free Kindle Reading App to your Computer, iPad, iPhone, or Blackberry!
Be sure to verify that the price is still $0 before you purchase! These free books come and go (sometimes within just a few hours), so I recommend downloading any that catch your eye because they may not be available tomorrow! You can always delete them if you decide you don’t want them.
Thanks, My Frugal Adventures and Surviving the Stores!
Ooops! The first three books listed above are no longer “free” 🙁
I just checked them out & the first two are now $2.99 each, while the “Saving for Retirement” kindle version is $8.79. I do agree, there are free books to be had, but unfortunately, only “The Preacher’s Bride” is still free.
Free Kindle Books!
What a great deal!!!