Free Swagbuck!
Today you can get 1 Free Swagbuck with the code BeMine. This code came in the Swagbucks newsletter which I recommend signing up for so you don’t miss any Free Swagbuck codes! I also suggest following Swagbucks on Twitter; they will occasionally post Free Swagbucks codes there as well! While you’re at it, you can follow me on Twitter too!
i just want some swagbuck codes im new to this thing
When you are in your account click on the big number on the right that displays how many bucks you have. Then enter the code into the box that says “have a swagbuck” and click the button that says “gimme.”
Hope that helps!
Alicia Greenhalgh
I am new to Swagbucks and I was wondering how you enter your codes to get the free swagbucks?