Kroger Coupon Matchups and Deals 7/11 – 7/17
These are the Kroger Deals for the Texas/Louisiana area. Prices may vary by region. Texas Kroger stores No Longer Double or Triple Coupons.
If you’re new, please read Couponing Terms & Abbreviations and Kroger 101: How to Shop and Save Money at Kroger Stores before continuing.
Remember to load all your e-coupons from Cellfire, Shortcuts, and Upromise!
Here are the best deals I see this week:
Visit Saving Cents with Sense for this week’s Fry’s Deals.
You can also check out my tutorial to learn how to do your own grocery store match-ups!
Couponing 101 via Facebook
Welcome, Laura! Have you checked out the beginner’s resources? That’s a great place to start!
Laura Mann via Facebook
We only have Dillons (Kroger) in our town. WE do have walmart targer, kmart and walgreens too. I’ve been couponing for a while now but since losing my job recently I’m needing to step it up some. Hoping someone will have ideas or tips that I”m currently not using. Love this page and being able to find printable coupons. New to it thank to my daddy getting me a printer. Been using coupons at Kmart, our store has strange policies. Just recently started shopping at Walgreen’s love that with an AARP card. Any help or guidance would be great. Am trying to learn. Thank you.