*UPDATED* $1.50/1 Stride iD Gum Multipack Printable Coupon = 2 FREE Packs at CVS! {HOT}
UPDATE: It has been brought to my attention that this coupon has a Walmart logo on it when you print it out. CVS recently updated their coupon policy to not allow coupons with other store logos, so you won’t be able to use this coupon at CVS. A great alternative would be to price match it at Walmart with the CVS advertised price, and use this coupon to get it for FREE!
This deal was mentioned in the weekly CVS matchups, but I just wanted to bring it to your attention again! It’s a GREAT freebie deal, and the coupon will not last long.
Hurry and print this HOT $1.50/1 Stride iD Gum Multipack Printable Coupon and score 2 FREE packs at CVS this week!
Stride iD Gum Multipack (3-pack) 2/$3 (sale price through 10/20)
– (2) $1.50/1 Stride iD Gum Multipack Printable Coupon
= 2 Free
Don’t miss out on these HOT offers! Sign up for the On-Demand Newsletter to get instant email updates when there is a limited-time deal!
Why can’t I find the printable coupon?
It is no longer available. It was a HOT coupon that came and went quickly.
Couponing 101 via Facebook
Heather Hudson It may have already disappeared. The hot coupons come and go very quickly.
Couponing 101 via Facebook
Heather Hudson It may have already disappeared. The hot coupons come and go very quickly.
Heather Hudson via Facebook
Help!!! I have put in the 90210 zip code and still can not find the coupon!!!
This is a bit off subject but brings up a question I’ve had for some time. Why are so many printable coupons (manufacturer) either carrying the Walmart logo or referring to the store on the Q? This has made redemption difficult enough for me that I don’t even print them anymore unless I plan to use them at Walmart. But I never thought of this scenario. I will certainly reevaluate my use of these Q’s in light of this tip. Thanks so much!