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All You Magazine September 2013 Coupons

All You September Magazine

There are some great coupons in All You Magazine this month! This is the only magazine that I pay for a subscription to because it always has a lot of coupons.

Here are the coupons you can expect to find in the September 2013 Issue of All You Magazine, with my favorite coupons in bold:

$1/1 Olivari Mediterranean Olive Oil
$1/1 Poise Freshcare Femme Wash or Poise Cooling Wipes
50¢/1 Sargento Natural Blends Slices/Snacks
$1/1 White Cloud Bath Tissue
$2/1 Poise Lubricant
55¢/1 Kraft Salad Dressing
$1/1 Butterball Deli Meat
$1/1 Butterball Every Day Seasoned or Sweet Onion Sausage Frozen Burgers
$1/1 Star Butter Flavored Olive Oil
$2/1 Philips Sonicare PowerUp Handle or Brush Head
55¢/1 Butterball Regular or Fully Cooked Turkey Bacon or Butterball Every Day Recipe Starters Turkey Dinner Sausage
$1/1 Clif Mojo Bars
$1/2 Cool Whip Toppings or Jello Dry Packaged Desserts
$3/1 Rug Doctor Oxy-Steam or Pet Formula Carpet Cleaner
$25/1 Rug Doctor Mighty Pro X3

Note: Subscription issue may differ from newsstand issue.

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