Amazon: Desperate eBook Only $3.99 (Reg. $15.99)!
Right now Amazon has the eBook Desperate: Hope for the Mom Who Needs to Breathe by Sarah Mae & Sally Clarkson on sale for only $3.99 (reg. $15.99)!
Desperate is for those who love their children to the depths of their souls but who have also curled up under their covers, fighting back tears, and begging God for help. It’s for those who have ever wondered what happened to all their ideals for what having children would be like. For those who have ever felt like all the “experts” have clearly never had a child like theirs. For those who have prayed for a mentor. For those who ever felt lost and alone in motherhood.
Whether you are a first time mom, or an experienced mom, Desperate will inspire you to be a part of the ultimate goal of the book, to be a part of the no-more-desperate-moms movement.
Amazon prices are subject to change without notice, so be sure to verify the final price at checkout.
You can still get The Anne Stories eBook Set for only 99¢ and The Peter Rabbit Stories eBook Set for only $1!
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Be sure to verify the price before you purchase! These free/discount eBooks come and go (sometimes within just a few hours), so I recommend downloading any that catch your eye because they may not be available tomorrow!
Thanks, eReader Girl!
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