Amazon: FREE $1 MP3 Credit With FREE Android App Download!
Right now you can get a FREE $1 Amazon MP3 credit when you download a qualifying FREE Android App! Look for the “Get a $1 mp3 credit” text underneath the app to make sure it’s eligible.
One of the free apps that qualifies is Temple Run, which is REALLY fun. I also see Pandora, Spotify, Facebook, Netflix, and more.
You’ll get an email confirming that your FREE $1 MP3 credit has been applied to your Amazon account.
You can get TONS of FREE music on Amazon here!
Limit one credit per customer. Promotional offer is valid from February 1, 2014, through December 31, 2014 and subject to change. You must redeem the credit by January 31, 2015.
Thanks, Maven of Savin’!