Amazon Diaper Deal: Up to 42% off Huggies Diapers
Amazon is having a great deal on Huggies Snug & Dry Diapers right now! Some discounts are as much as 42% off original price. Check out the specific discounts below, which vary based on size and count:
- Size 1 (276 count) is 26% off original price of $57.99 making them only $42.86, that’s just .16/each
- Size 2 (246 count) is eligible for $2.00 off with subscribe and save making them $37.89, also just .16/each
- Size 3 (222 count) is 32% off original price of $56.74 making them just $38.83 or .17/each
- Size 4 (192 count) is the best discount for all sizes at 42% off the original price of $56.74 making them just $32.99 or .17/each
- Size 5 and Size 6 do not have any deals on them at this time.
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Amazon prices are subject to change without notice, so be sure to verify the final price at checkout.
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