Amazon: Matthew Henry’s Complete Commentary on the Whole Bible eBook Only 99¢!
Right now Amazon has the eBook The Complete Commentary on the Whole Bible by Matthew Henry on sale for only 99¢ (reg. $2.99)! The print versions range from $25 – $80 or more, so this is an incredible price for such an extensive resource at your fingertips!
- All 6 volumes now available as a single Kindle book
- Annotated with detailed footnotes
- Fully interactive and comprehensive table of contents accessible from the Kindle menu
- Complete and unabridged with an interactive table of contents
This Complete Edition of the Complete Commentary on the Whole Bible offers details explanations of EVERY SINGLE BOOK AND CHAPTER OF THE HOLY BIBLE’S OLD AND NEW TESTAMENTS. First published in 6 volumes and retailing for over $100 in hardcover … the Christian Miracle Foundation Press is proud to publish this edition for a price accessible to all.
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