
Blockbuster Express: 4 Free Movie Rental Codes

Blockbuster Express is a DVD rental kiosk like Redbox. Here are 4 codes that will get you a FREE one-night movie rental! Great way to enjoy a Saturday evening date without spending a dime!

  • 25ASJA9
  • 29BACC2
  • 25JBHS7
  • 26RRAP8

Codes expire 6/13/2011.

Thanks, Eastern Shore Mom!


  1. i tried these codes when first sent out on 6/10 or so. none of them were proper codes. they came up not valid when tried.


    • @Chefbink, I just learned that these codes usually only work on the $1 movies, not the $2.99 new releases. I also heard that you might have better luck using the code if you use it when reserving online. Just be sure to pick up your movie when you reserve it or they’ll charge you $1.


    • @Jennifer, Did he really get charged or was it just the pending charge? The put an authorization thing on there that never goes through as long as you return it on time (if you don’t return it on time it then goes from “pending/authorizing” to an actual charge).


    • @Jennifer, I just learned that these codes usually only work on the $1 movies, not the $2.99 new releases. I also heard that you might have better luck using the code if you use it when reserving online. Just be sure to pick up your movie when you reserve it or they’ll charge you $1.


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