
8 Easy Ways to Use Less Water on World Water Day

Water is so crucial to our survival, but we often take it for granted. It’s easy to leave the faucet running a little longer than we need and let the precious resource go down the drain. Each year on March 22, the United Nations observes World Water Day, which shines a light on the importance of water. Most Americans have […]

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How to Prepare For a Coronavirus Outbreak

The coronavirus (COVID-19) has sent shoppers rushing to their local stores to stock up on supplies. Taking precautions in case of a coronavirus outbreak near you may give you peace of mind, but it’s easy to get sucked into the news and go overboard. We’ll share our tips on what to do and what you might want to stock up […]

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40 Staple Ingredients to Always Have in Your Pantry

Uh oh. You forgot to run to the grocery store to pick up fresh ingredients. What will you serve your family now? The good news is that as long as you maintain a well-stocked pantry, you never have to worry about missing a shopping trip. With the right pantry ingredients, you can easily prepare a satisfying meal with whatever you […]

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How to Keep Your New Year’s Resolutions

New Year’s resolutions seem like such a great idea when you make them. But as the year progresses, you may leave all your well-intentioned goals scattered by the wayside. With the right strategies, your year doesn’t have to be filled with unfulfilled resolutions. These simple tips can help turn 2020 into a year full of New Year’s resolution successes. Set […]

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Tips and Tricks for Getting Fit on a Budget

Treadmills and ellipticals can cost thousands of dollars. Gym memberships can really add up. Exercise classes can get pricey. So if your New Year’s resolution is to stay fit, how can you possibly do it without breaking the bank? While a lot of fitness activities are expensive, the good news is that exercise doesn’t have to be expensive. In fact, […]

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