Coupon Preview 4/25
There will be TWO inserts in this weekend’s paper – 1 Smartsource (SS) and 1 Redplum (RP). Head over to Sunday Coupon Preview to see a complete list of the coupons coming out!
You can order a few extras of your favorite coupons from The Coupon Clippers for just a small handling fee!
I’m looking forward to these coupons:
50¢/1 Band-aid Brand Adhesive Bandages
75¢/1 Bertolli Pasta Sauce
$1/1 Capri Sun Sunrise
$1/1 Carefree Product
$1/1 Hershey’s Bliss Chocolates Bag, 8.6 oz or larger
$1/1 Johnson’s Baby Product (excludes trial sizes and Buddies)
$1/1 Kraft Singles Melt Downs
50¢/1 Mahatma or Watermaid Rice
$2/1 Marcal Small Steps Bath Tissue, 4 roll or larger
FREE Marcal Small Steps single roll bath tissue or facial tissue, up to $1
$1/1 McCormick Seasoning Blend, Spice, Herb, Extract or Food Color
$4/1 Intuition Plus Razor or Refill by Schick
$4/1 Schick Quattro for Women Razor or Refill
$1/2 Vitaminwater 20oz bottles
Remember, not all areas will receive the exact same coupons. My region might get a $1/2 coupon and yours might get a $1/1, or a 50¢/1 or not receive that coupon at all.
Some areas may no longer be receiving the Red Plum inserts. Find out more about it HERE.
You can find out what coupon inserts to expect each week in the 2010 Sunday Coupon Insert Schedule.
Who sells the Marcal Small Steps single roll bath tissue? I’ve only seen it in 2-4 rolls and have never used those coupons… I’d love to hear where to redeem it! 🙂
.-= Catwoman´s last blog ..Thing 1 and Thing 2 =-.
@Catwoman, I wish I knew! I’m (not-so-patiently) waiting for it to show up in the stores near me!