Coupon Preview 6/19
There will be TWO inserts in this Sunday’s newspaper – 1 Smartsource (SS) and 1 Redplum (RP). Head over to Sunday Coupon Preview to see a complete list of the coupons coming out!
Some great coupons to look forward to:
50¢/1 Curad Product
35¢/1 Jell-O Refrigerated Snack
$2/2 K-cup Boxes
$1/1 M&M’s Pretzel Chocolate Candies 9.9oz or larger bag
$1/2 Nasbisco Cookies or Crackers 3.7oz – 25.2oz
$1/2 Oscar Mayer Hot Dogs
$1/2 Quaker Life Cereal Boxes
Buy 1 Venus Disposable Razor, Get 1 Satin Care Shave Prep FREE, up to $2.50
Remember, not all areas will receive the exact same coupons. My region might get a $1/2 coupon and yours might get a $1/1, or a 50¢/1 or not receive that coupon at all.
You can find out what coupon inserts to expect each week in the 2011 Sunday Coupon Insert Schedule.
1 Comment
Yippee! Life cereal!