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Coupon Preview 7/26

There will be FIVE inserts in this weekend’s paper – 2 Smartsource (SS), 1 Redplum (RP), 1 Procter & Gamble (P&G), and 1 Kellogg’s (K). Head over to Sunday Coupon Preview to see a complete list of the coupons coming out!

You can order a few extras of your favorite coupons from The Coupon Clippers for just a small handling fee!

I’m looking forward to these Qs:

$2/1 Blue Bunny Aspen or Sedona Frozen Yogurt Granola Snacks
35¢/1 Comet Soft Cleanser or Comet Spray Product
B1G1Free Listerine Agent Cool Blue 500mL or Smart Rinse 500mL
50¢/2 Peter Pan Peanut Butter Jars
50¢/1 Purell, excludes 1oz
$1/1 Reach Floss, or Reach Toothbrush, Reach Access Flosser or Listerine Mouthwash 1L or larger
$1/1 Skintimate Cream Shave or Gel
60¢/2 Ragu Pasta Sauce
60¢/1 Skippy Peanut Butter
$1/2 Kellogg’s Eggo Frozen Products
$1/2 Kellogg’s Cereal

Remember, not all areas will receive the exact same coupons. My region might get a $1/2 coupon and yours might get a $1/1, or a 50¢/1 or not receive that coupon at all.

Some areas may no longer be receiving the Red Plum inserts. Find out more about it HERE.

For more coupons go HERE.

What about you? See any good coupons?


  1. I live in Dallas am missing the Kellogg’s insert. Is it the same size as the others and is it usually mixed in w/all the other sales flyers? Thanks!


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