Couponing Terms and Abbreviations
Coupon lingo can get pretty confusing! Here is a list of commonly used couponing terms and abbreviations:
BLINKIES = In-store coupons near product, usually from a red blinking box.
BOGO or B1G1 Free = Buy One Get One Free.
CAT or CATALINA = Coupon that prints at the register after purchase.
CRT = Cash register tape, coupon that prints in store.
DOUBLE COUPON = Coupon that a grocery store doubles in value.
ECB = CVS Extra Care Bucks earned for purchases.
FREE ITEM COUPON = A coupon that allows you to get the product completely free.
IP = Internet Printable Coupon.
MFG or MQ = Manufacturer’s Coupon.
MIR = Mail In Rebate.
NED = No expiration date.
OOP = Out of Pocket, in reference to how much “real money” you will pay at the register.
OYNO = On your next order.
P&G = Proctor & Gamble Coupon Insert found in the Sunday newspaper.
PEELIE = Coupon that you peel off the package.
PSA = Prices Starting At.
Q = Coupon.
STACKING = Using a store specific coupon with a manufacturer coupon (most stores allow this).
TEARPAD = A pad of refund forms or coupons found hanging from a store shelf or display.
TRIPLE COUPON = A coupon that a grocery store triples in value.
WYB = When You Buy.
YMMV = Your Mileage May Vary (success of the attempt may vary at your store).
Hopefully this list will help you understand the “crazy coupon language”!
Amber H.
Help please! Still new to this and wanted to find out something….
Say I have a coupon that says “80 cents off FOUR boxes of Hamburger Helper”
If I have 4 of the exact same coupons like that can I use all 4 of them?
You would have to buy 16 products if you wanted to use all 4. The coupon is for 80¢ off of 4 boxes, so you have to buy 4 boxes in order to use it. Hope this helps!
can you please explain what is meant by “limit 4 like coupons”.
What about letters like uft?
I think that means “up for trade” in couponing forums.
Regena Ford
I have noticed several are using the letters, iso. Would like to know it’s meaning.
That means “in search of”
P & G has this on a lot of their coupons “limit 1 per purchase, 4 per household”. At Walmart, they will take 4 coupons on 4 items (one coupon per item) at the same checkout with no problem. At Fred’s I was told that it means, “you can only use one coupon for that item when you check out, you can use 4 per household, but 3 other people would have to check out with the item and coupon”. How insane is it that I make a purchase, behind me another family member make a purchase, then another one, then another one. What about people that have no family, is this not discrimination? Fred’s need to educate their employees about coupon policy and get it right. I have a copy of their coupon policy and this is not addressed. I have decided just to go to Walmart, use price match with Fred’s sale papers, get 4 items and save the hassle of dealing with their employees. I have send emails to their corporate and got a response from Area Manager, but I’m not sure it will do any good.
That stinks. There is nothing worse as a couponer than an uneducated store on coupon usage. 🙁 Sounds like you’ve figured out a way to make it work for you, though. 🙂 Good luck!
The advertised prices here in New York are higher than what you posted and I can’t find any place(Brooklyn and Manhattan) that doubles coupons. I am a newbie and couponing seems overwhelming, when I spend so much time trying to figure things out just to save 50 cents. Nevertheless I really appreciate you putting your time into the research and help people like me! Thank you!!
Also how can you find more than one copy of the same coupon other than buying multiple Sunday papers?
sherry matheny
Thank you
You’re welcome!
Lynn Beltran
Thanks so much for your help you are awesome
You’re very welcome! 🙂
THANK YOU for all you do for us! Do you have a list of items in the “six week cycle”? Meaning, if tissue paper is on sale this week, I realize it will be on sale again in 6 weeks; but, do you have a list of items to expect to be on sale each week during the si week period. Just beginning to coupon and not sure when to expect various items to be on sale.
Again, Thank you very much. I appreciate your knowledge!
Hi Johnnie. So glad you enjoy the site. We do not have a list of those items. Your sales cycle will vary depending on the region you live in and the stores you shop at. You can figure it out pretty easily by keeping track of when your favorite items go on sale. Most items will hit rock bottom price about every 6-12 weeks. Good luck!
I print two different coupon from my computer and only one will work at the store why is that?
I’m not sure. It depends on the store, coupon lingo, type of coupon, manager, and cashier. If you provide some more detailed info, I might be able to help you figure out what’s going on. 🙂
I just started couponing and I was wondering if I had a store coupon 2/$3 and a MFG coupon for 1/1 can I use 2 of the MFG coupons and the store coupon to make my purchase a $1.
Yes, you can absolutely do that. 😀
I have a question about this sample scenario:
Do i have to make it all in one transaction to get it at 50cents? I mean, i know after the coupons I will end up paying 8.99, and i will earn $8 in rewards. Can i use these $8 in this same purchase, or i have to use them in another purchase?
(2) Revlon ColorStay Whipped Creme Makeup $13.99 ea.
– (1) $2/1 Revlon ColorStay Whipped Creme Makeup Printable Coupon
– (2) $5/1 Revlon Foundation, Powder, Primer, Blush or Concealer Coupon (9/9 SS)
= $8.99, Earn (2) $4 +UP Reward
= 50¢ ea.
Thank you for clearing this up for me!!!
Hi Wendy! Yes, you have to do all of this as one transaction. It’s “like paying” 50¢ each after you get back the two +UP Rewards. You can use the +UP Rewards on future purchases only, not on this same transaction. Hope that helps!
absolutely!!! Thank you Megan 🙂
Welcome! 🙂
What is PE? I understand that RP mean Red Plum- newpaper but I couldn’t find anything in the glossery about PE.
Thank You!
Hi Melissa! If you’re referring to the one from this past weekend, it’s the Pepsi Moments insert. 🙂
can someone please explain to me what “match-up coupon” is?
Hi Tiffany. A coupon match-up is just when a blogger posts the weekly sales from a store with the coupons that correspond with each item in the sale. A match-up coupon is simply a coupon that matches an item that is on sale. Hope that helps!
Are there any websites that will send you free coupons in the mail?
You can often provide feedback on company’s websites, and they will send you coupons as a thank you.
In the Coupon Database on some items there is an “R” or “#2 R” following the Source code and expiration date; what does this mean? I didn’t see it listed in the list of abbreviations.
Also, it would be really helpful if as part of the Coupon Database heading there was a link to the abbreviations list — or even better, if a little glossary list would appear when you hovered over the column headings or clicked on an asterisk within the heading field.
Thanks for your feedback! The R means that the coupon is regional – only in some inserts.
What does the term “Earn” mean on the RiteAid coupons? like Earn up to $1?
Today is my 1st day at couponing . Your website is a good learning tool. Glad I found you,it has all ready answered a lot of my questions. Thank you for beening there for us new comers.
What does GM mean?
It means General Mills coupon insert.
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if you have a coupon for 50cent on 5 soup what dose that say that it is 50 on every can or 50 off all the 5 togethere
It’s $0.50 off TOTAL, not per can. 🙂
I heard on Extreme Couponing that if there is a 5 or a 9 in front of the number just under the bar code area, its one or the other you can double? If that is true what number is it and how does it work exactly?
If the bar code starts with a 5, it will automatically double (even if the coupon states “do not double”) if you use it at a store that doubles coupons. If it starts with a 9 (usually these are store coupons) it will not double even if you use it at a store that doubles coupons.
I just wanted to tell you how great this website is. You are truely a blessing when it comes to helping us newbies. I am trying to get all this info to stick, but as soon as I think I am ready I need more questions answerd. I have posted on other sites and never get any answers. I have a couple questions. How do couponers acquire so many items without making so many trips to the stores. Gas is high and unless they are getting a lot of free stuff they can’t be saving as much as it seems, and can you please explain the difference in a purchase and a transaction. Thank you so much and God Bless!
Thank you so much for your kind comment!
Well, each couponer is different, but 1-2 store trips per week is pretty common. If you purchase a lot of items at once and stock up, it makes the trip worth it if you have to drive far. If your store is only a couple minutes away, then you can easily cherry pick the best deals as often as you like. Gas is definitely a factor you have to consider though when choosing which stores to shop at.
A purchase is each item you buy. A transaction is all your purchases together and is concluded with a receipt. So, you can make several purchases in a transaction, and several transactions in a day.
Thanks so much for all of this information. I honestly had no idea how to get started and this has helped immensely.
What does hangtag mean in terms of coupon source?
Hangtags are coupons that hang on the package – usually around the neck of beverage bottles.
i have a couple scenarios that i need help on
1) Safeway coupon for $2.49 Lucky Charms/Cookie Crisp cereal, Limit 4 – I also have 2 MFR coupon – $.50 off 1 bx Lucky Charms and $1.00 off on two bxs any general Mills cereal. Can I use all this if I buy 2 bxs of cereal.
2) IVC for Walgreens $1 off 2 bgs of Nestle and MFR Q for $1.50 off any 3 bags Nestle. Can I buy 3 bgs and use both coupons and if Walgreens is 2 bgs for $5 will that third bag be only $2.50.
Newbie – HELP!!! LOL
1) No, the $1/2 coupon applies to BOTH boxes so you cannot use another manufacturer coupon on either box.
2) You can use both coupons and yes the 3rd bag will still be $2.50.
Joanne Durso
Can’t wait to get started.
I’m just getting into couponing and need a little clarification. I usually shop at Giant Eagle and on their coupon policy it says under the Printed Internet Coupons section:
A maximum of two “like” coupons will be accepted.
What does this mean? Can I use 2 printed coupons for the same item as long as they are different deals?
Also, are printed coupons from the internet considered manufacter coupons? And what about the ones listed as e-offers, can those be combined with any other coupons printed/manufacter?
Limit 2 “like” coupons means that you can buy 2 cereals and use 2 $1/1 coupons. OR you can buy 4 cereals and use 2 $1/1 coupons and 2 50¢/1 coupons. You can’t buy 4 cereals and use 4 $1/1 coupons though.
Printable coupons are usually manufacturers coupons but there are some that are store coupons (look at the top of the coupon to find out which). You can use 1 manufacturer coupon and 1 store coupon per item – source doesn’t matter (ecoupon, printable coupon, paper coupon), it’s only 1 man. coupon per item.
I use coupons from time to time but I have a few specific questions. Thank you in advance for you time and effort!
1- How does one organize coupons so that when you see a store coupon/deal/sale you can pull out the coupon and combine them? Do you have an excel list of everything you have clipped and if you see a sale that you are interest in you search (Ctrl + F) your list to see if you have a coupon? I cannot remember what coupons I have… when I am going through the weekly store circulars.
2- If your store doubles coupons up to 1$ does that mean that they will only double coupons that are equal or under 1$ or will they increase a 2$ coupon to 3$ off?
3 – If I have two different manufacturer coupons for the same item can I use them? For example, I have a buy one get one free coupon (not store, MFG) and another say 1$ off MFG for the same item. Will they work together?
4- Rite aid or some stores have store coupons that say manufacture coupons but can only be found in their circular and only used at their store. Can you combine another manufactures coupon with them?
5- Many coupons say one per customer, per sale etc. Yet I have clipped/printed many of the same coupon. Can I buy multiples of the same item and use a coupon on each item without being harassed by the sales person?
1. There are many different ways you can organize coupons (https://www.couponing101.com/2011/09/how-to-organize-coupons.html) and they all have their pros and cons, but I find that the coupon database (https://www.couponing101.com/coupon-database) is helpful no matter which method you use. It makes it easy to search and see which coupons are available.
2. Doubling coupons up to $1 means all coupons valued at $1 or less will be doubled. So, a $0.50 coupon will be worth $1, and a $1 coupon will be worth $2. I explain doubling coupons here: https://www.couponing101.com/2010/04/what-does-doubling-coupons-mean.html
3. Using a B1G1 coupon with a $1/1 coupon is a bit of a debate. I personally think you shouldn’t, but you can decide for yourself: https://www.couponing101.com/2010/05/stacking-b1g1-coupons-and-11-coupons.html
4. I am not all that familiar with Rite Aid, but from what I understand, if it says “manufacturer coupon” then you cannot use another manufacturer coupon with it.
5. If it says “limit 1 per purchase” you can buy several and use several coupons. If it says “limit 1 per customer/transaction” then you can only use one. https://www.couponing101.com/2009/10/anatomy-of-a-coupon-how-to-read-coupons.html
Thank you very much for your reply. That database is awesome! Most of the time I buy what I need and this is a great way to see if there is any available coupon on the product I need now. The one per transaction tip is also very useful. Thank you!
how d..o you find out your store coupon polices.
Check the store website, call and ask, or visit their customer service desk.
Iam just starting clipping coupons .And i have to say you answere lot of my quistions thank you . Your site i will come back to. thank you four help.
If coupons have an expiration date on them how can you stock up on them? how do you know if your store doubles coupons? do you have to have two coupons to get it doubled?
You don’t get to keep the coupons forever, but you want to get a paper each week in case you need coupons from them. You won’t actually use every single coupon you collect.
I explain double coupons here: https://www.couponing101.com/2010/04/what-does-doubling-coupons-mean.html
I agree that the show is extreme. It’s more like hoarding but it has shown a money saving alternative to so many unemployed people in this economy. It has made couponing hip, whereas before, people were under the impression (including me) that it was just for poor people. Now I realized is for smart people LOL
That is definitely one upside of the show – that it has created interest in couponing from people who never thought they would clip coupons!
I’m also doing it for charity. Also, we have a friend who was laid off and his sick mom lives with him.
I am a single parent with 3 kids. What can you advice me as a starter for this couponing. I am so interested in this because it will help me a lot save groceries and toiletries.
thanks ,
Check out the getting started section here: https://www.couponing101.com/getting-started
What does GM mean? It is not listed in the abbreviations.
Hi Paula!
GM stands for the General Mills insert. It is not a “regular” one you can expect, but comes around a few times a year.
First I want to say thank-you for your hard work on your website. I do have a question about B1G1 coupons. Does this mean that I can use a coupon on the one I buy? Example: buy 1 of “X” and get “Y” free.
My opinion is no you can’t: https://www.couponing101.com/2011/07/couponing-101-how-many-coupons-you-can-use-per-item-video.html
Janet Batteas
I am very new at this couponing thing. I have a question I bought 4 hambuger helpers @ $1.80. I had a coupon for 80 cents 4 boxes.
Is that $1.80 x 4=$7.20-.80= $6.40
Is that .80 off each box of hambuger helper
It’s $0.80 off total, not per box. So your first scenario is correct.
Hello im a college student looking to save money anyway possible. So I thought i would get into coupons but i dont even know where to begin looking or what to start looking for any advice?
I have been trying to get started printing out coupons but I keep having a problem with my antivirus software identifying the printing programs as viruses. For instance, the clickable site on the right side of the page for detergent coupons requires a program that I have tried twice to set up now, but each time I try to open it, Stopzilla says it has identified an infection and removes it. Can you help me? Thanks!
This is not the first time or program on which this has happened, either.
@Sylvia, I haven’t had any problems with coupon printing sites, but better to be safe than sorry! Just stick to ones that your computer will allow. 🙂
The small print on coupons confuses me and some cashiers as well…what does it mean when the print says” Limit one
coupon per purchase?” You have a great website BTW!
@Rosalind, I explain this here: https://www.couponing101.com/2011/04/couponing-101-limit-one-coupon-per-item.html
I am just getting started and would like some help on a few things:
1 – can I get past redplum or smartsource coupons online?
2 – what is the every day savings booklet? (I see it on the coupon database)
3 – which online coupon sites are best to use for printable coupons, because there is a TON!
4- I know I need to call albertsons in my area to find out but do you know by chance if this is correct: I had a manuf. coupon that was $1.50 off & I tried to use the alberstons double coupon with it too but the cashier said that I couldnt because the double up coupon value is $1. I figured they would just take the max value of $1.
5- smartone meals were on sale for 4/$10 at albertsone. I had a manuf coupon that was save $3.00 off any 10 smartone meals. The cashier said I couldnt use the coupon. why?
@Haley, There are sites for printable coupons that are called Redplum.com and Smartsource.com but they are not the same coupons that are found in the newspaper. The every day savings booklet is a homemailer that was available. I list my favorite printable sites here: https://www.couponing101.com/coupons Albertson’s can be very difficult but I believe you should have been able to use your coupons.
so the homemailer isnt available now?
I have a manufacture’s coupon that states $1 off the purchase of any X product $1.99 minimum purchase. The product is normally $2.99, but the store has it on sale for $1.25. Can I still use this coupon and get it for $0.25 or must the sales price be $1.99+?
@chelsea, I think you have to buy it at $1.99 or more so I don’t think that would work.
I am not a very good comparison shopper so I worry that even if I use a $1 coupon for deodorant at store A, it might have been cheaper even without the coupon at store B. Any thoughts? Thanks so much and I love your blog.
@Victoria, I have some thoughts on this here: https://www.couponing101.com/2009/07/when-to-play-your-coupon-timing-is-everything.html
Does ‘Not valide with ay other offer’ mean that I can’t use a manufacture coupon with a store coupon?
@jenny, No, you can use a store coupon and a manufacturer coupon together.
Hello, I am interesting in couponing. I am a mother of 5, unemployed and my husband is the breadwinner of the family. I am interested in saving on household good and groceries in the family. I have been reading about couponing but I am a little confused. Please help! My question to you if the store is running a sale on a particular product for B1G1 free and I have a coupon for $1.00 off two of the same item. The store I usually shop is only offering face value for any coupon $.50 or more. Which is the best way to save?
@LaTanya, The store will still accept your coupon. Face value simply means that your coupon over $0.50 won’t double, but you can still use it.
Tammy Barnett
I just watched the new show Extreme Couponing and it totally amazed me how much money you can save. I want to learn how, what do you recommend to get started, besides cut coupons first. I am very interested to learn how to coupon. Please advise…Thank you
I am just staring out with couponing- my husband was recently “laid-off” after years with his company; and we must tighten our budget! My main problem has been finding coupons for pet foods. We have large dogs, and finding coupons for large bags of dry food or packaged cans of dog food has eluded me (and the brand name sites state that they don’t have any specials or coupons available at this time). Store coupons are for single cans or buy three get one free. Could you offer any suggestions?
@Carolyn, Dog food deals do come along occasionally. Target has pretty good sales every now and then for Purina and Pedigree. I’ve also received coupons for free dog food before!
Darlene Brotherton
Just looking for everyday savings…not extreme couponing. The others seem more like hoarders. They’ll never use everything they have in their lifetime.
will i use all the coupons that i clip? or do i just clip them just in case the item goes on sale. Im new at this i have a few from the sunday paper and i shop at CVS, walmart kroger. also how do i get the double price on coupon if it says not to double.
@natalie, Clip any that you think you might use, but you probably won’t use them all. Coupons that say “do not double” will double anyway if the bar code starts with a “5”.
Clip ALL of your coupons. If you aren’t going to use them, see if you can find a coupon swap in your area. If there isn’t one, you could try to start one. This is a really good way to meet new people and stockpile coupons that you use, that maybe your neighbor doesn’t.
Cheryl Montigny
would love free email updates…
@Cheryl Montigny, You can sign up for free updates here: https://www.couponing101.com/subscribe-to-couponing-101 🙂
I don’t have a cellphone and many of the coupon sites require one…it’s ridiculous!
If I have a store coupon $1/any two and 2 manufactur coupons $1 off for each of the two can I use them on one transaction?
@sylvia, Yep! 🙂
Kristen D.
I have to admit..I was pretty lazy about coupons until I watched the show on TLC. I am glad, however that I found your site. My husband and I both work and need to find a way to keep our heads above water. We tithe but need to be more vigilant with our money. I want my 2 girls to never know what it’s like not to have so I’ve decided to start couponing.
I clipped coupons from the Sunday paper and All You magazine last night. I was so surprised to see that CVS & Rite Aid tell you that there is a coupon in the Sunday paper on items they have on sale this week!! Now, I just have to plan my meals and shopping trip.
I know I am just starting and I plan to take it slow but I am thankful to have this site and your insight to help me through.
Patterson, NY
Its fabuolous save money in things that we need every day.
Ok if you post the month and date for ss how do I go back and find it because every time I go to ss it just gives me right now coupons. Sorry very new to this.
@Rachel, A date and insert code like (4/3 SS) means that that coupon came from the Smartsource newspaper insert on April 3rd. Unless you bought a newspaper that week, you can’t get it. Make sure you start buying a paper every week so you can build your coupon collection.
Just found your site and I am reading it all, but I have seen in the “Comments” about “loading” your Kroger card. I have Kroger and Giant Eagle cards, but I don’t know what that means????
@Lynn, I wrote a guest post on another website all about ecoupons a couple years ago: http://kingdomfirstmom.com/2009/08/save-with-e-coupons-no-clipping-and-no-forgetting.html
I am a Single woman living o a fixed income so saving money is essential to me. The problem I have is I rarely find coupons that I can use. Also since I am single and live in an apartment, there’s really no need to, or room to stockpile much. No extra freezer etc. Any thoughts or ideas to help me save more. I have found that if you go straight to a manufacturers website,( “ei- kraft.com etc.”) you can get coupons straight off their site. Any help you could give me will be appreciated.
THANK YOU for educating me on how to maximize my couponing! I have not used coupons to this extreme before, and am anxious to start applying my new knowledge. It is nice to finally find something that helps all of us.
Again, THANK YOU!!
Allie G
I recently moved to a new state and have never used these grocery stores. Kroger, Food Lion and a small shop n’ save. Which one do you think I will get the best value from with couponing?
@Allie G, The only one of those stores that I’m familiar with is Kroger, so I don’t really know. Just watch the sales circulars for a few weeks and see which one regularly has good sales and doubles/triples coupons.
Do you have to register to use this site? I couldn’t find anything.
@Dakota, No, you don’t have to register but you can sign up for free email updates if you want: https://www.couponing101.com/subscribe-to-couponing-101
Hope to learn a whole lot
My grocery store (A&P) is having a sale: buy 4 general mills cereals for $6.00. You must buy all 4. I was wondering if I could also use a coupon. I have several 50 cent off 1 gm cereal coupons. Could I use a coupon on each cereal box? Thanks SO much!
@Susie, Yes, you can use 1 coupon per box of cereal. 🙂
I used to use coupons and boxtops, but I quit because it took up so much room. I never thought about using a binder. I starting again.
Hey I am very interrested in starting the couponing, my husband and I saw it on TLC and it was the most amazing thing to us. I am not sure how to start I went on coupons.com and saw that somethings we like were buy 2 and get 30 cents off some how many would you say buy when it’s things like that. I also wanted to know could u combine coupons off of the internet and out of the Sundays paper together? I feel like when it come to this lost and really dont want to be, we have a house hold of 3 but during the summer we may have at least 7 my husband is in the Air Force so we are looking into saving as much as possible!!!! Thanks alot for your help!!!!!!!!!!
THank you so much for your site, I am new to couponing. I went into it full force and now have thousands of coupons from ordering off ebay, getting friends and family to give me their coupons, buying 5 sunday papers and just simply being OCD about it.
Heres where I am extremely overwhelmed, how do I effecivly organize them all? I stared out with a small accordian type coupon thing but that just doesnt do it anymore, I then bought a huge binder with a bunch of basebal card sleeves, as well as regular full size clear sleaves and some sleaves that hold 2 4×6 photos. How do I organize them? ive heard of people using hte baseball sleaves but then i would have to fold all the coupons and that would take me days, literally. whats a good setup? I’m in dire need of some organizational help. I’m missing good deals and spending 3 hours n walgrees searching in my 5 ziplock bags for coupons. Its really bad. HELP!! thank you so much! Sarah
Ellen Taylor
Please subscribe me for your free email updates.
Thanks so much for all you do to help us save $$! You must have a huge heart. It’s very much appreciated! I’m just getting started, so I have a long way to go to get any good at this!
Ellen Taylor
@Ellen Taylor, You can subscribe for free email updates here: https://www.couponing101.com/subscribe-to-couponing-101 🙂
I am so glad that I found you! I have lots of friends that use coupons all the time. I will retire this year and I can’t wait to spend more time couponing. Thanks alot for making things clearer. I just printed off your list of commonly used terms and abbreviations. This will be a big help to me. Thanks once again for all your help!
what does itmean when a couponsays buy anyfour and get$ 1.00off does it mean i have to buy allfour itemsto get$1.00 off orany of the four wich is justbuying just one .. im confused … thanks…
@helen, You must buy 4 products.
When getting multiple copies of the same coupon from e-coupon sites is there some way to do this without printing out a full sheet per copy to not waste paper?
@Rodney, Are you referring to ecoupons or printable coupons? Ecoupons do not need to be printed and you cannot use multiples. For printable coupons I like to print it out then flip the paper over to print a second one on the back and opposite end. Just make sure you know which way your printer pulls the paper so you don’t accidentally print 2 back to back!
Hi Stephanie
I am new at this couponing and my question is when the store offer buy $5/10 you say we don`t to buy all 10 how you save with the coupon in this case
@ricardo, If the coupon is only for $1 off 1 then you can just buy one. If you have a coupon for $1 off 2 then you have to buy 2.
On my receipt it has ‘scanned coupon’, ‘bonus coupon’ and then it has ‘free coupon’..What is the ‘free coupon’ from? Also, I loaded my Kroger card with the digital coupons and used it and my paper coupon. I was told on another website that’s how it should be done. But I don’t want to upset my local store.
@Margie, The free coupon is likely from a free product coupon you used. Using a coupon and an ecoupon on the same item is debatable and will vary by store.
I love shopping at Whole Foods and I am moving towards eating more healthier (mostly raw foods). Do you think I will be able to find a lot of good deals?
@Thea, Not as much, but you can definitely still save! There are coupons for other items like batteries, toilet paper, light bulbs, etc. Save on all your other items to free up room in your budget to pay for fresh produce and meats.
I have couponed off and on for years, pretty much “willy nilly” all over the place never feeling like I really got it or did all that well. I started a search for help and came across you. I am excited to learn from you and will now eagerly be hunting the real deals. Thanks for the time and effort to help folk like me.
I have a question…when a store offers the “double coupon up to and including ie. .50” what does this mean? My store is offering to triple coupons up to and including .35 and double up to and including .50. I do not understand how my coupons will apply.
@Traci, That means your 50 cent coupon will scan for 50 cents off, but then another 50 cents will come off your total. Your 35 cent coupon will scan for 35 cents off and then another 70 cents will come off your total.
So, if you bought toothpaste that is $1 and used a 50 cent coupon, it would look like this
Toothpaste $1
– $0.50 Scanned Coupon
– $0.50 Bonus Coupon (or something similar)
So you’ll pay $0 for the toothpaste.
@Stephanie, Thanks so much for the info! I was confused about the “up to and including” part. Now I got it.
I am new to this but am so exictied. I have four kids and need all the help I can get. what I do not understand is how you can combine coupons I primarly shop at krogers and I have mfg. coupons plus my card is loaded with store coupons I use both of those but am still having to pay quite a bit thanks for your help
@kelly, Hi, you can combine 1 store coupon with 1 manufacturer coupon. Kroger coupons are not very common (and the ecoupons that you load to your card are manufacturer coupons that cannot be combined with paper coupons). Kroger does double coupons at most stores, so that is definitely a nice perk to take advantage of!
Also you may need to look at your card policy for coupons in store…some of the loadable cards do not do double coupons where as the paper coupons do. This is the policy of Gerbes in Missouri.
Hi Stephanie!
I have question for you hope you can help me with that… What’s a deal about e-coupons? And MFG, look like you able combine them? Like Kroger. But what happen if you upload on cellfire, shortcuts, and kroger e-coupons, and also MFG on same item? I’m just wondering if it’s working? Thank you!
@Galina, Ecoupons are also manufacturers coupons, so you should only use 1 per item. However it is very hard to control this because the coupons come off automatically whether you want them to or not. So, yes the coupons will stack. I would not intentionally stack the coupons, but if it happens then don’t feel bad. Some stores are fine with you stacking and some aren’t. It’s really up to you personally whether you feel okay about it or not.
I am trying to learn where to get allot of these coupons. EX, Smart Source or Sunday Supplement coupons, Proctor & Gamble Sunday supplement coupons.
Thank you so much for all of your help. This has helped me understand allot of what I need to do. I have only started clipping coupons for two weeks now so I don’t have allot built up yet. I did go to Walgreen’s today, spent $40 and ending up with $152 in stuff after coupons and reg. rewards. (did take me a few trips too) But so worth it!
@Missy, The Smartsource, Redplum, and P&G Sunday supplements are the coupon booklets found in the Sunday Newspapers. I post a “Coupon Preview” every Friday so you know which coupon booklets to expect in that week’s paper.
The dollar tree sells Sunday papers for $1 where I live, and they usually have a limit of 2 on how many you can purchase at one time.
Teresa @ Too Many Heartbeats
Thank you SO much for doing this! I have been visiting various websites trying to learn how to use coupons more effectively but I just couldn’t figure out all the coupon lingo and abbreviations. This will help me immensely!
I truly appreciate that you have taken the time to explain all of this to those of us who have no clue what we are doing!
Teresa <
.-= Teresa @ Too Many Heartbeats´s last blog ..THEN SINGS MY SOUL SATURDAYS~ WELCOME HOME ~ =-.
Pingback: Couponing: Step 5 – Learn the Lingo « Adventures in Momville
Thank you. You have helped someone more than you could know.
The coupon will beep at Target because it hasn’t been programmed for that specific item. So, the coupon will beep, and the cashier will have to manually adjust the coupon or push it through.
What does “coupon beeps” mean? As in
Market Pantry String Cheese Singles 50¢
– $1/2 Target Coupon *coupon beeps
= Free
Rosa McDaniel
I am unable to print the coupons. What do I need to do?
.-= Rosa McDaniel´s last blog ..CVS Deals 6/28 – 7/4 =-.
Give LDS Gifts
Thank you for this comprehensive list. I am doing a class for some ladies at church at used part of this list on our handout (giving credit to you, of course). Thanks so much for your blog. I use it all the time and it saves me so much money and time!
Just take it slow and start by collecting your coupons. Once you’ve accumulated some coupons the deals will be much better. Then start watching for the good deals! You don’t have to jump right into the complicated deals to start saving money! Start by using coupons at the store your most familiar with and then go from there. 🙂
Thanks for that advice. Im a young single mom, and Im starting to take the couponing this serious but it is overwhelming. So your advice is just to start collecting a certain amount of coupons?
I am new at this, what is the best why to get started & without feeling overwhelmed?
Nancy Hawkins
Am interested in doing this for charity. Any insight would be appreciated. Thanks.
Knowing that everything you do is for your family
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