
Coupons.com: Now Offering eCoupons


In addition to offering the largest selection of online printable coupons available anywhere, Coupons.com now offers eCoupons that can be saved to store loyalty cards for redemption at checkout.

The new “Save to Card” program allows you to save coupon offers directly to your store loyalty cards. Simply register your loyalty cards at Coupons.com, browse available coupons with the “Savings Card” tab on your mobile device or computer and select the offers you want to save to your card. When you use your loyalty card at checkout, the coupons are automatically deducted from your total.  If you have a cell phone with internet access, you can even browse for offers and add coupons to your loyalty card while you are shopping!

The “Save to Card” program is currently available for these stores: Safeway, Vons, Dominick’s, Genuardi’s, Randalls, Tom Thumb, Pavillions, and Carrs.

Please note that if you add a coupon to your Savings Card, you can’t remove it from your Savings Card and you can’t print it. Likewise, if you have printed a coupon, you can’t add it to your Savings Card. There is NO stacking! The eCoupons will not double, so save the lower value coupons for printing.

I look forward to trying out this new program.  If you have a chance to try it out, I’d love to hear about your experience!

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