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    1 Comment

  1. let me first apologize for asking redundant questions……lets say i go to the red box machine on sunday, scan my card and get some crts. if i come back on tuesday and scan my card again, will I get more and/or different crts or did i get all I’m going to get for that week when I scanned it on sunday? i ask because I heard another vlogger say “keep scanning your card until it says no more crt’s at the bottom of your tape”, well I’ve never seen that message. I scan my card on sunday and it goes from printing a few crts to printing my “sent to card” stuff. when I go back on Tuesday and scan again, it doesn’t print any crts, it just prints my “scan to card” summary again and nothing else. I’m also having issues with my crts. so many times i won’t even get the ones i hear people say should be “printing for everyone”. it is so frustrating! any help with this would be really great!


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