Daily Frugal Tip: Easy and Cheap After-School Snacks
Check out these Easy and Cheap After-School Treats! Keep the kids happy, energized, and ready to tackle their homework with some creative snack ideas. These are all on the cheap, too!
You can also check out how to Shake Up Snack Time with some healthier choices.
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Yum, thanks! Those popcorn snack bars in the last slide are on my list to make this week 🙂 some other ideas for healthy snacks we’ve tried recently…Tammys fudgy black bean brownies, Quinoa Pizza Bites, frozen Banana Icecream, and three recipes from the Sept. Family Circle–Parmesan Kale chips, Rockin Morroccan snack mix, and Quinoa PBJ bites.
Yum! I LOVE Kale Chips and Black Bean Brownies! I’m interested about Quinoa Pizza Bites! I love Quinoa. I use it in everything!