Daily Frugal Tip: Extend the Life of your Disposable Razor
Check out this great frugal tip from reader Carole on how to extend the life of your disposable razor!
Put olive oil in a cup, and place the disposable razor in the cup. The blade will not rust, and it really works. This is great, because you don’t have to buy nearly as many razors.
Thanks, Carole!
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Great tip, I will try! Rhonda I imagine you would use just a little bit to cover. Bottom of blade and use a smaller cup to get more depth with less. Also would not have to change too often. Now if you don’t keep olive oil around for cooking and have to buy a bottle for just this purpose it would be pretty expensive.
Rhonda Robbins via Facebook
Isn’t olive oil more expensive than disposable razors?
I don’t think it would take much olive oil at all, and It could probably be used many times. I wonder if you could use another type of oil as an alternative?
It is definitely more expensive that razors, but most people already have olive oil lying around anyways.