Daily Frugal Tip: “Matching Color Shades” Toddler Activity
Looking for frugal activities to keep your toddler busy while you try to get a few things done around the house? Here’s a simple idea that costs next to nothing: Matching Color Shades!
You only need a few paint sample cards, clothespins, scissors, and glue!
Thanks, Tot School!
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I have a real problem with all the projects I am seeing lately using “free” paint chips from the hardware store. Those chips are for customers buying paint and just because they are free doesn’t mean you should take all you want for craft projects. I fear that the next time i go to paint a room, the stores will be charging for the paint chips because of all the people helping themselves to craft supplies.
char everett
I both agree and disagree with the above comment. I am a preschool teacher and yes I have been using paint samples for years. I rotate where the stores where I take them from and I only take what I need once or twice a year. I have been doing this before people starting using them for crafts, etc. I to am afraid that the stores will start charging for them too. I see it both ways. I would be willing to pay a small amount for them myself.