FREE $10 Target Gift Card With $50 Purchase Printable Coupon {HOT}
WOW, hurry and print this coupon for a FREE $10 Target Gift Card with any purchase of $50 or more! This will probably disappear fast, so print it now while you can.
Make your Target shopping list before you head out, and don’t forget about the cheap board games and HOT Right Guard deals!
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Couponing 101 via Facebook
Star Lopez I recommend scanning the $10 gift card coupon first, but the rest can be scanned in any order.
Star Lopez via Facebook
one more quick question does it matter in what order u give the cashier your coupons ? should they scan the targe coupons first and then the manufactures or it doesnt matter?
Star Lopez via Facebook
thanl u ladies!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Carol Johnson via Facebook
Yes. Your total has to be $50 before taxes. Give them the $10 GC coupon first, then the rest of your coupons. I went today. Total before coupons was $56 and after coupons was $40. I got the $10 GC plus 2 $5 GC’s for buying Starbucks Coffee. Whoo Hoo!!
Couponing 101 via Facebook
Star Lopez I believe you can still use it if your total will go below $50 after coupons as long as you give this coupon first, before all other coupons.
Star Lopez via Facebook
has anyone already used this coupon? can my total be like 53 and still get the giftcard whil using more coupons my total wuld be less than 50 will i still get the giftcard?