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Free eBook: 201 Signs You’re A Couponer

201 signs you are a couponer

Hurry and download your FREE copy of 201 Signs You’re A Couponer by A.E. Miller (reg. $2.99)! This looks hilarious!

The art of couponing is constantly evolving and couponers have to keep up!

Remember back when there were no limits on coupons, sales, and deals; manufacturers had high-value coupons and freebies; stores allowed unlimited PDF copies of $3 off $15, $4 off $20, $5 off $25 coupons; drugs stores offered incentives to couponers to shop with them; and the grocery store never ran out of stock?

Fast forward to today and there are limits on how many coupons you can use per transaction, how many coupons you can use per day, how many coupons you can use per household, how many deals you can complete per store card, how much sale items you can purchase per day, and of course, the grocery store is always out-of-stock for sale items!

201 Signs You’re A Couponer is the first book in the Signs You’re A Couponer series that explores funny and sometimes weird stuff couponers do or say as they navigate the ever-changing world of couponing.

You can find even more FREE e-books on You don’t need a Kindle to read these books either. You can download the Free Kindle Reading App to your Computer, iPad, iPhone, or Blackberry!

Be sure to verify that the price is still $0 before you purchase! These free books come and go (sometimes within just a few hours), so I recommend downloading any that catch your eye because they may not be available tomorrow!

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