4 Homemade Bug Spray Solutions
Summer can be the most fun time of the year. However, if you’re covered in bug bites, it can also be the most painful. Bug sprays can help keep bugs off you, but many store-bought solutions contain harmful chemicals. Try these homemade bug spray solutions so you can control what chemicals you use, not to mention you’ll save some money while you’re at it!
DIY Homemade Bug Spray Repellent via Live Simply
This recipe uses essential oils, vodka, vegetable glycerin, and water to concoct a homemade bug spray. This option makes the list because the recipe offers a lot of flexibility. If you’re out of vodka, you can also use witch hazel or rubbing alcohol. Don’t have any vegetable glycerin lying around? Coconut oil, olive oil, and jojoba oil would also work.
Basic Bug Spray via One Essential Community
This recipe earned its spot on the list because it is such a good basic recipe that you can adjust to meet your needs. It gives you the basic idea of what to include in a DIY bug spray, but it also provides plenty of suggestions for different essential oil combinations you might use in your spray, giving you more options for customization.
Easy Homemade Bug Spray via Mom 4 Real
If you want to make your own bug spray without purchasing a ton of ingredients, this recipe offers a simple solution. It makes the list because it uses just four ingredients: witch hazel and three essential oils.
Homemade Bug Spray Recipe Using Fresh Herbs via Don’t Waste the Crumbs
Essential oils can be useful, but some people might prefer fresh herbs! That’s why this recipe makes the cut. Rather than using essential oils, it uses a variety of fresh herbs, giving you even more control over what goes into your bug spray.
These bug repellent solutions could be a more natural option for keeping the bugs at bay. What do you do to prevent insect bites? Let us know in the comments section below!