
{HOT} High Value Bar-S and Oscar Mayer Printable Coupons

Here are two new {HOT} coupons you will want to print ASAP!

$1/1 Bar-S Foods Printable Coupon – “Like” the Bar-S Facebook page, then click on the “Idea Challenge” tab at the top. Click on “Start the Challenge” which will award you with 10 points (if you get a blank page, just keep refreshing till you see it). The 10 points will get you the printable coupon. Bar-S hot dogs and bologna go on sale for $1 or less all the time, so this coupon should get you some free items!

$2/1 Oscar Mayer Carving Board Meat Printable Coupon – “Like” the Oscar Mayer Facebook page, then click on the “Good Mood” tab at the top. Click on “lets get started” then allow it to access your profile information. Submit your good deed to get access to the coupon.

If you do not want these apps to have access to your profile information after you’ve printed you coupons, follow these directions to remove the apps. Click on “account” at the top of your Facebook page and then click on “privacy settings”. Look for “Apps and websites” at the bottom and click on “edit your settings”. Where it says “Apps you use” click on “edit settings”. Just click on the little “x” next to any apps you would like to remove.

You can find more printable coupons HERE.

Thanks, Common Sense with Money!


  1. Was trying to see if there was a kroger near me i searched my zip and littman jewelers came up. is that a division of kroger or something? its on their site.


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