
{HOT} Living Social: 50% off Whole Foods Gift Boxes!

Here is an awesome Living Social deal for today: 50% off Whole Foods Gift BasketsLiving Social is a Daily Deals site similar to Groupon and Mamapedia.

There are five different boxes to choose from:

  • $30 The Gift of Grub Gift Box (reg. $60)
  • $30 You’re Zenzational Gift Box (reg. $60)
  • $25 You Rock Box o’ Choc (reg. $50)
  • $25 Get Warm, Get Fuzzy Gift Box (reg. $50)
  • $20 Ciao Down Gift Box (reg. $40)

Limit 1 box per transaction and shipping is FREE! Valid online only, not for use at Whole Foods stores. Voucher expires 2/21/11.

To get this deal:

  1. Log In or Register with Living Social.
  2. Click “More Deals” on the left side of the page.
  3. Choose DAYTON from the list of cities (you do not have to live there to get this deal).
  4. Click the blue “Buy Now” button and choose which gift box you would like. (Shipping is FREE!)
  5. New members get a $5 credit, so pay as little as $15 for your gift box!

This Living Social offer is only available for a limited time and there are a limited number of these available for purchase.

Thanks, Common Sense with Money!

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