
How to Organize Coupons: The Scrapbook Album

Dawn shared the following coupon organization method:

I have a scrapbooking album with clear plastic picture holders that hold 4X6 prints.

I also used post-it tab labels to let me know which page holds what categories. This makes it really easy to get to the page that holds the coupon I need to use/or file.

Also, the picture holder pages hold big coupons, like the ones you print out off the web. Everything is organized by the way the aisles are set up in most stores.

Also, in the back I keep all of my current flyers in regular scrapbook page holders.

Thanks so much for sharing, Dawn!

You can find more Coupon Organization Methods HERE.


  1. I use a 4×6 index card box with dividers to categorize items. It is big enough for the larger size coupons but still small enough to carry in my purse.


  2. I am new to couponing and this is my go to site. I am learning more and more every day! I am so excited. I have celiac disease and if anyone knows of sources for gluten-free coupons, please post here. I check every single day. Thanks.


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