Ipsos I-Say Survey Site: Earn Money From Home!
I wanted to remind you about this great opportunity. This is another awesome way to make a small chunk of extra cash from home!
Join Ipsos I-Say, a legitimate survey site, to take surveys and earn rewards. You’ll take surveys, earn points, and cash in your points for rewards. You can cash in for gift cards, charity donations, or an authorized check. Right now, they are especially looking for Moms!
With Ipsos I-Say, you usually receive anywhere from 1-4 surveys per month that you can earn points on. You also sometimes get the chance to try out new products before they hit the market. If you’re familiar with Synovate Survey Company, they recently merged with Ipsos I-Say. This is a great opportunity.
Surveys are a great way to earn extra income from home. While you won’t get rich taking surveys, every little bit helps to stretch your budget just a little bit further.
Don’t forget to also sign up for Inbox Dollars, Nielsen Home Scan, and Opinion Outpost!
You can find more legitimate paid online survey sites HERE.