Kroger Coupon Matchups and Deals 9/28 – 10/4
These are the Kroger Deals for the Texas/Louisiana area. Prices may vary by region. Texas Kroger stores No Longer Double or Triple Coupons.
If you’re new, please read Couponing Terms & Abbreviations and Kroger 101: How to Shop and Save Money at Kroger Stores before continuing.
Remember to load all your e-coupons from Cellfire, Shortcuts, and Upromise!
Here are the best deals I see this week:
Visit Saving Cents with Sense for this week’s Fry’s Deals.
You can also check out my tutorial to learn how to do your own grocery store match-ups!
I’m off to WALMART from now on. They price match and I don’t have to waste gas any longer driving to Kroger. Bye Bye. I also mailed back my “Rewards Card” (If you can call it that anylonger).
yep, I’ve been shopping elsewhere too. Not only did the double/triple loss make a difference, but the coupon sets that they mail out were a LOT thinner than normal (and no longer had freebie ones) and the manager markdowns (which used to be a set price at my store for certain items) have increased. I no longer have any incentive to shop there.