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Mamasource: $12 for $24 Worth of Eco-Friendly Lunch Box Essentials

If you are heading back to school in a few weeks, this is a pretty good deal from Mamasource (Mamapedia). Get $24 worth of Eco-Friendly Lunch Box Essentials for $12, at One Small Step.

To get this deal:

  1. Register with Ebates or sign in.
  2. Search for “Mamasource” and click the “shop now” button to earn 4% cash back on your purchase.
  3. Log In or Register with Mamasource (powered by Mamapedia).
  4. Search for your “Sweet Deal” in National.
  5. Click the pink “Buy Now” button to purchase the Deal.
  6. You will receive a credit in your Ebates account within 30 days for 4% cash back on your purchase. Plus, if you’re a new Ebates member, you’ll receive a $5 sign-on bonus!

Fine Print:

  • Not valid toward taxes (CA only).
  • Not valid on shipping (flat rate of $5.95)
  • Cannot be combined with any other offers.
  • Limit (1) voucher per order.
  • Redeem online.
  • Voucher expires 2/8/12.

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