Save Money When You Shop Online with Ebates
If you’re an online shopper, you can receive cash back, exclusive deals and other rewards on your online purchase with a free Ebates account. All you have to do is go to Ebates.com and sign-up. You can even get a $10 sign-up bonus right now!
Once logged in, you can browse the website for the retailer you wish to purchase from. Click on that retailer through the Ebates website and it will take you to the retailer’s website where you can shop and complete your purchase like normal.
You then get an email verifying what you will be paid from Ebates for the qualifying purchase. It’s that easy!
Once your purchase is verified, Ebates will credit your account shortly after. You will get your rebate check twice a year via mail or PayPal, depending on what you choose.
In addition to shopping on your browser, you can download the mobile app, get a browser cash back button, get in-store discounts, and email discounts. Learn more at ebates.com!