Shel Silverstein’s The Missing Piece Meets the Big O Hardcover Book Only $8.72 (Lowest Price!)
Right now Amazon has Shel Silverstein’s The Missing Piece Meets the Big O Hardcover Book on sale for only $8.72 (reg. $16.99)! This is the LOWEST price on record! Shipping is free with Amazon Prime or any order over $35.
The missing piece sat alone
waiting for someone
to come along
and take it somewhere….The different ones it encounters—and what it discovers in its helplessness—are portrayed with simplicity and compassion in the words and drawings of Shel Silverstein.
This is such a classic and one of my favorite Silverstein books. It’s such a great one to have — for kids or adults! See more gift ideas here.
Amazon prices are subject to change without notice, so be sure to verify the final price at checkout.
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