Steph’s Savings: Target Coupon Shopping Trip
I went shopping at Target the other day and had a pretty typical coupon shopping trip. There were a few things we needed and I picked up a few coupon deals as well.
Here were some of my favorite deals from this shopping trip:
(4) Up & Up Crayons = Free
(4) Bic Mechanical Pencils = Free
(2) Mead Five-Star Folders = Free
(5) Ice Cream/Frozen Treats = 93¢ ea.
(1) Chobani Yogurt 4 pk = 99¢
(2) Lindt Chocolate Bars = $1 ea.
You can find all the details and coupons for those deals in this week’s Target Coupon Matchups and Deals and this week’s Back-to-School Deals.
I needed the ketchup, rubbing alcohol, plastic wrap, foil, and coffee. I managed to find a printable coupon for the foil and a Cartwheel coupon for the plastic wrap, but I figured I was out of luck on saving on the other items on this trip. Well, at the store I discovered a promotion for Free Godiva chocolates with purchase of two of the coffees I was buying – SCORE! The kids sure teased me for how many sweets I bought this trip!
I also got some Crayola dry erase boards and markers for the kids for when we start back to homeschool. They were each on sale for $3 and I had $1/2 manufacturer’s coupons and $1/2 Target coupons that made them only $2 each. The kids canNOT wait to begin using them!
One other “deal” was my produce purchase! One common coupon complaint is that there are never coupons for healthy food. Well, after a recent Target shopping trip I received a catalina for $1.50 off a $10 fresh produce purchase! Not a huge savings, but it’s always nice to save on fresh produce! I also used Cartwheel coupons to save on the avocados and tomatoes.
I spent $66.84 total and saved $51.79, or 44%. I hope this shopping trip illustrates that not all couponing is extreme, and I definitely don’t always save 95%! Don’t ever be discouraged by your seemingly “small” savings – we all do the best we can! Whether you save $1 or $100, all savings should be celebrated!
Do you have a coupon shopping trip you’d like to see featured on Couponing 101? Send me an email!
Thank you for this “I spent $66.84 total and saved $51.79, or 44%. I hope this shopping trip illustrates that not all couponing is extreme, and I definitely don’t always save 95%! ”
I found myself upset that I ONLY saved 45% on my groceries the other day after watching way too much television, I realize this is silly and I came to that realization only a few minutes later but after the unrealistic images I had watched while clipping my coupons I had become caught up in the extreme things I had seen. It is refreshing to hear that any savings are good savings. Kudos to you!!
I am SO glad that this post encouraged you!! A savings of 45% is fantastic and you should definitely be proud of how much money you are saving for your family!