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Swag Bucks: New $10 CVS Gift Card Available!

Swag Bucks has added some new gift cards in the Swag Store! One of the new ones is a $10 CVS gift card for just 1,249 points! If you’re a couponer then you know how far that $10 could be stretched! There are several other new gift cards available including Home Depot, Macaroni Grill, Land’s End, and more!

Don’t know what a Swag Buck is?

Swag Bucks is a search engine powered by Google and Whenever you search on, you have the chance to win points (aka Swag Bucks) that you can redeem for prizes and gift cards. You can easily earn enough points to get a FREE $5 Amazon gift card every month if you do regular searches! I could talk on and on about how much I love Swag Bucks, so go read Swag Bucks 101 to learn more.

Be sure to also check out these 6 Easy Ways to Earn More Swag Bucks!

Thanks, Money Saving Mom!

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