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Couponing Basics

How to Make a Coupon Shopping List

A lot of people who want to coupon never even get started because they don’t know how to make their coupon stack make sense with their real grocery needs. This post will teach you how to create an effective coupon shopping list. Make the most of your coupons while still buying things you actually want and need. Hopefully after reading […]

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Couponing Basics

Stockpiling 101: How to Save Money with a Stockpile

For many, building a stockpile means buying lots of bottled water, batteries, and canned food in preparation for a snow storm or natural disaster. For couponers, it means never having to pay full price again. stock·pile – A supply stored for future use, usually carefully accrued and maintained. A stockpile is simply buying more than what you need for immediate […]

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Couponing Basics

What Are Coupon Match-Ups, and How Do They Work?

Sales and coupons can both be effective ways to save money. What many people don’t realize is that you can often combine sales and coupons for even bigger savings. No, this is not some mythical reality you can only dream about, and it’s not cheating the system either. Countless couponers regularly benefit from coupon match-ups, and you can, too! We’ll […]

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Couponing Basics

What Is a Price Book, and Why Do I Need One?

Prices rise and fall like the tide, making it hard to know when you’ll find the best deal. But what if there were a way you could anticipate when and where you might find the best prices? If you’re prepared to put in the effort, you can craft your own tool to guide you towards savings. What Is a Price […]

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Couponing Basics

What Are Coupon Fairies and Are They Bad?

Have you ever been looking at a product when you notice a coupon for that very product sitting on the shelf? Then you’ve seen the work of a coupon fairy! Coupon fairies leave their extra coupons near the products. Customers who are going to buy the product anyway can enjoy a little extra money in their pockets without the work […]

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ABOUT COUPONING101 is a free resource for all who are interested in learning more about couponing and saving money.  Couponing 101 offers a variety of money-saving strategies that encourage and motivate readers to get creative and explore different savings techniques.