
CVS Coupon Matchups and Deals 6/28 – 7/4

If you’re new, please read Couponing Terms and Abbreviations and CVS 101 before continuing. These are the best deals at CVS for the week of June 28th – July 4th, 2015. [%printable-list:CVSDeals62874%] Visit Kingdom First Mom’s $5 CVS Challenge for low-cost scenarios!

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Check out which coupons will be in this Sunday's newspaper!

Sunday Newspaper Coupon Insert Preview 6/28

There will be TWO inserts in this Sunday’s newspaper – 1 Smartsource (SS) and 1 Redplum (RP). Some great coupons to look forward to: B1G1 Free Beech-Nut Classic Jars Baby Food $2/2 Purina Beggin’ Dog Snacks $2/2 Right Guard Antiperspirant Deodorant Products $1/2 Ben & Jerry’s Ice Cream or Frozen Yogurt Pints $1/1 Eckrich Rope or Links Smoke Sausage $4/1 Schick Disposable Razor […]

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Great deal on Hidden Valley Ranch Dressing at Kroger with new coupon!

NEW Hidden Valley Ranch Coupon = Only $1.29 at Kroger!

There’s a brand new $1/1 Hidden Valley Ranch Printable Coupon available! It’s good on any size too, so you should be able to get a great deal! Use the coupon at the Kroger Mega Event this week to get Hidden Valley Ranch for just $1.29! This is a great price for this brand of dressing, we don’t see deals on it […]

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Walmart Coupon Matchups and Deals 6/24

If you need help with abbreviations, please reference this post: Couponing Terms & Abbreviations. Remember that Walmart prices will vary from store to store.  The prices for these items may be slightly higher or lower at your store. Here are some of the great deals you can pick up at Walmart right now: [%printable-list:WalmartDeals6242015%] Thanks to Passion For Savings, Couponing For […]

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