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Daily Frugal Tip: DIY Wrinkle Release Spray

Addicted to that stuff in a spray bottle that gets wrinkles out without ironing? (I know I am!) It can be pretty expensive! How about trying to make your own? Head over to Stay At Home Made Mom to learn how to make your own Wrinkle Release Spray! It’s super easy and cheap (especially if you use coupons on the […]

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Daily Frugal Tip: 12 Free Fall Decor Printables!

Fall is just about upon us. Can you believe it? I just love the feel of Fall, and I always get excited to get the house feeling cozy! If you’re not careful, decor costs – even frugal DIY projects – can really get away from you. Here’s one great frugal Fall decor idea: 12 FREE Fall Printables. These are SO cute. […]

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Daily Frugal Tip: Use Toothpaste To Clean Scratches On DVDs

Did you catch the recent frugal tip on using toothpaste to clean your car headlights? Reader Deanna sent in another frugal tip on how to use toothpaste! Check it out: “Toothpaste can also be used to clean your DVD movies or games. Just simply dab a little toothpaste on your DVD, and wipe it off with a towel. Voila – scratches are […]

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