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MyPublisher: FREE Hardcover Photobook!

MyPublisher is offering new customers a FREE 5.75″ x 7.75″  Hardcover Pocketbook or $20 off any Hardcover Photo Book! Just head over here to enter your email address and you will get a coupon code valid for the free book.  As soon as you enter your email, you will see the code on the screen so you don’t have to wait. This is […]

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Kohl’s Clearance: Gifts Under $3

Kohl’s has a huge clearance sale going on right now with items as much as 90% off! Many of their Christmas gifts are clearanced to $3 or less. Tip: Buy now while they are really cheap and save them for next Christmas! Keep in mind that these items will likely sell out very quickly. PLUS, use codes NOCHARGE and EXTRA20 […]

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ESPN Personalized Poster as low as $4.90

What a cute gift idea!  Create a personalized ESPN poster for the sports fan in your family, starting at just $4.90. Here’s how: 1. Create your Poster HERE (but do not purchase it!) 2. Make sure to enter your email address so they can email you the link to download your image. 3. Download the image they send you. 4. […]

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Target Toy Coupon Book

Next time you go to Target, keep a look out for these toy coupon books!  When paired with a sale, these coupons could make Christmas shopping much less expensive.  They are all Target coupons also, so you can pair a manufacturer coupon with them!  All the coupons expire 11/25. Here are the coupons you can expect: $20/1 Tonka Scoot ‘N […]

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