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Tom Thumb (Safeway) Coupon Matchups and Deals 8/8 – 8/14

These are the Tom Thumb Deals for the North East Texas area. Prices may vary by region. My Tom Thumb’s policy is to triple coupons up to 35¢ and double coupons up to 50¢. My Tom Thumb will double/triple ONE like coupon per transaction. If you need help with abbreviations, please reference this post: Couponing Terms & Abbreviations. Remember to […]

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Tom Thumb (Safeway) Coupon Matchups and Deals 8/1 – 8/7

These are the Tom Thumb Deals for the North East Texas area. Prices may vary by region. My Tom Thumb’s policy is to triple coupons up to 35¢ and double coupons up to 50¢. My Tom Thumb will double/triple ONE like coupon per transaction. If you need help with abbreviations, please reference this post: Couponing Terms & Abbreviations. Remember to […]

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Tom Thumb (Safeway) Coupon Matchups and Deals 7/25 – 7/31

These are the Tom Thumb Deals for the North East Texas area. Prices may vary by region. My Tom Thumb’s policy is to triple coupons up to 35¢ and double coupons up to 50¢. My Tom Thumb will double/triple ONE like coupon per transaction. If you need help with abbreviations, please reference this post: Couponing Terms & Abbreviations. Remember to […]

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Tom Thumb (Safeway) Coupon Matchups and Deals 7/18 – 7/24

These are the Tom Thumb Deals for the North East Texas area. Prices may vary by region. My Tom Thumb’s policy is to triple coupons up to 35¢ and double coupons up to 50¢. My Tom Thumb will double/triple ONE like coupon per transaction. If you need help with abbreviations, please reference this post: Couponing Terms & Abbreviations. Remember to […]

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Tom Thumb (Safeway) Coupon Matchups and Deals 7/11 – 7/17

These are the Tom Thumb Deals for the North East Texas area. Prices may vary by region. My Tom Thumb’s policy is to triple coupons up to 35¢ and double coupons up to 50¢. My Tom Thumb will double/triple ONE like coupon per transaction. If you need help with abbreviations, please reference this post: Couponing Terms & Abbreviations. Remember to […]

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ABOUT COUPONING101 is a free resource for all who are interested in learning more about couponing and saving money.  Couponing 101 offers a variety of money-saving strategies that encourage and motivate readers to get creative and explore different savings techniques.