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Target: Huggies Diapers and Wipes Only $5.46!


I discovered an AWESOME way to use that new Huggies Diapers and Wipes Target Printable Coupon! Check out this sweet deal you can grab at Target:

Huggies Snug & Dry Jumbo Pack Diapers $8.99
Huggies 56-Count Wipes $1.97
$3/1 Huggies Snug & Dry Printable Coupon(watch video) AND
50¢/1 Huggies Wipes Printable Coupon AND
$2 off Huggies Diapers and Wipes Target Printable Coupon
= $5.46 total

That is one FANTASTIC price for diapers and wipes! Hurry and print your coupons, because they will probably disappear.

New or expectant mom? Be sure to sign up for the Huggies New Mom’s Club to get access to coupons and special offers from Huggies!

Be sure to check out the other great Target deals for this week.

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