Frugal Tip

4 Ways the Instant Pot Can Save You Money

Instant Pot is beloved by countless people searching for a quick, easy way to prepare meals. But while it may be most well known for its convenience, it can also help you stretch your dollar. Try these four tips to save money with your Instant Pot. While you’re at it, check out our 10 Money-Saving Instant Pot Recipes to get started!

Save Your Scraps for Broths

Every time you cook, you might be throwing away ingredients you could still get some use out of. Scraps like bones and vegetable trimmings still have nutritional value left in them. You may not have enough scraps to make a broth after you’ve prepared just one or two meals, but if you save your scraps in your freezer, you can wait until you’ve collected what you need to make a broth in your Instant Pot.

Since you would have probably otherwise discarded these ingredients, using them to make an easy broth in your Instant Pot is like getting free food. You can drink the broth plain or add more ingredients to make it a soup.

Use Simple, Inexpensive Ingredients

Some of the cheapest ingredients available often take a longer time to cook. Dried beans, dried lentils, and rice are very affordable. However, you might not feel like spending time cooking them. Since an Instant Pot can cook these affordable ingredients in a fraction of the time, it may be easier to incorporate them into your diet.

Avoid Eating Out

When you’re tired or in a hurry, you might be inclined to stop at a restaurant, pick up carryout, or order in. Since many people find using an Instant Pot quicker and easier than other cooking methods, you might not be as tempted to lean on restaurant meals when you’re tired.

Avoid Buying Other Appliances

An Instant Pot can act like a pressure cooker, rice cooker, slow cooker, yogurt maker, and so much more. If you’re the kind of cook who loves having appliances for different tasks, an Instant Pot can help you avoid buying multiple appliances by offering several functions.

The Instant Pot may not be the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow, but if follow these tips, it can definitely help you save money on meals.

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